For years, I have led a healing and prophetic ministry in hundreds of churches worldwide, with a particular focus on the Northeast region of North America. I was previously a licensed minister with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada before transitioning to the mission field.
Through my experience, I have gained two deep convictions:
1. God loves you unconditionally and He wants to perform miracles in your life.
- In the Gospels we see that Jesus never put any conditions on those who sought healing from Him. He healed them as they were! This is truly a good news—it means we don’t need to be perfect or have everything figured out for God to perform miracles in our lives. You can explore these insights further by reading the articles linked below.
2. God wants to give you the wisdom to have an excellent health.
- While God loves us as we are, He does not leave us as we are. We need to radically transform our understanding of health. Over the years I have become deeply convinced that health is made of five fundamental principles.
If you would like me to minister healing and prophecy to your congregation:
I typically deliver a short sermon on Jesus’ unconditional love, followed by individual prayers for healing. Often these prayers are accompanied by prophetic words and words of knowledge.
I ask that you provide travel arrangements and accommodations. I am cost-effective, do not require hotel stays, and am happy to stay in homes. Please consider organizing a donation where all members can contribute.
If you want me to pray for your healing over the phone or via video call:
Before contacting me for prayer, please carefully read my papers on healing. And once you are healed, please remember to express your gratitude!